Berets are slowly making headlines again in the industry, not as big as belled trim or as overrated as chokers but with time and especially with the weather shifting they are both an accessory and something to keep your head warm. Although, I might mention this way too much but I live in Indonesia aka in the centre of the equator aka the weather is almost sunny all year long so to say that beret keeps the head warm and toasty does not earn them any brownie points. 

I bought this beret in December when I was in Korea and I have to admit it is not as easy as it seem to style and make them look decent not to mention how antiparallel it is with the Indonesia weather. I’ve pin pins on pinterest to brainstorm hairstyles suitable for the hat, yes it is that much of a mission to. Hence the reason why this beret isn’t used as much in Korea when I fist bought it. But it’s definitely been put in good use when I was in America thanks to pinterest. So here are some of the hairstyles I think compliments both the face shape and beret. 

The side swept is the easiest most timesaving hairstyle to compliment the beret. Simply comb your hair to one side and top if off with your beret. A two day hair would work better for this specific style as your hair would from more texture making it look more voluminous with the beret on. 

Pig tail is my go to hairstyle with or without beret, and even though I look like an eight year-old in this hairstyle they are so easy and quirky so I’ll risk looking like an oversized toddler. Again if you have 5 minutes to spare and want to look more youthful pig tails are something to consider. 

I don’t usually opt to tie my hair but in days where my hair and water does not meet for approximately 3 days then this is where a the low pony tail gets handy. Nothing unusual about this hairstyle so I wont spend much time explaining them. 

Hands down whilst I was in San Fransisco tucking my hair in the beret was all I do. It was pouring rain whist I visit in September and in order to keep my hair dry the only reasonable way was to tuck them in the beret because as foolish as it sound we did not bring an umbrella. Tucking the hair and leaving a few stands of hair to frame the face is what I personally do because without the strands I look like a cashew pao.  

If you have a little bit more than 5 minutes then this is a fancier version of the pigtail hairstyle. It’s a rare occasion having my hair done up this way and it’s either because I’m too lazy to bid them or I messed up while braiding. But then again if you have the patience then go you glen coco. 

And there are 5 ways to style your hair in a beret. Hope you enjoyed today’s post and I’ll write to you again soon.